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Ah! Unconditional love! This is the core of my life and gift to others. Helping to release negative aspects and attitudes and to connect and be guided by the heart.  To experience and know that our true nature is one of pure love.

It has been my privilege and joy, during the last quarter century to assist others with a range of healing modalities. These have included Reiki, Reflexology, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Angelic Reiki.  I trained initially as an Aromatherapist and it soon become apparent that I was blessed with the abilities of clairsentience and clairaudience.  

I am blessed to work with and be guided by the Higher Realms and my work as a channel and Lightworker is now prominent in my life. The following channeling from Archangel Michael was recently gifted to me – “ Dear One, you are a Lightworker, a channel of Divine Feminine Love, working with Universal LoveLight energy and Higher Dimensional Beings to bring about change and Ascension to the Earth and humanity.   You channel and anchor a pure high vibrational healing energy to assist others to clear low vibrational energy.  You serve as a Light-bringer and connect many to the Light.  Your gifts also enable you to heal – hands on and distantly and you assist in amplifying human love heart energy”

I feel extremely blessed to be connected in this way and to be able to offer healing and guidance through  RoseHeart.

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